Not what I expected...

Friday, May 25, 2007

So, I should be here to show off a nice, new pair of argyle socks, shouldn't I? I should be knitting like crazy what with all this time on my hands. Unfortunately, I haven't been. The transition to working full time again has done more than dampen my spirits with boring days stuck in the office. It's flared up my wrist problems again since most of my time is spent writing and revising on the computer all day. My right wrist has gone from slightly achy to numb most of this morning in just the last week. Boo.

Since I have no new progress pics, though I did finish the heel on the first sock, I'll try to distract you with cute vegetable sheep.

Did it work?


Gina said...

Oh no! When my wrists get bad (which, thankfully isn't often now that I no longer work in an office), I sleep in splints and ice them a couple times a day.

I love the sheep! Might be a good way to get a fussy eater to try cauliflower...

Anonymous said...

i'm so sorry to hear about your wrists. what a bummer!

Gena said...

What cute sheep! Hope your wrists feel better soon. I suffer the same affliction, but it always gets better with rest.

Anonymous said...

hee hee hee, I love the veggie sheep! Perhaps they can cross breed with my Magic Sheep and what?
Make a mess.

Sorry to hear about the wrist.

Big geek beth