Katie needs

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Alright, alright, I finally broke down. Google your name and the word needs to find out what YOU need. Here's what I need:

Katie Needs IV fluids
Katie Needs To Go.
Katie needs a Project Manager
Katie needs help with feeding and drinking but she does manage to use the litter
Katie needs a C-section
Katie This lovely, gentle girl is in need of a new home.
Katie needs to talk to her friend
Only Katie needs our financial support.
Katie needs your help with vocabulary words to win.
Katie needs to get a grip.


Wendie / monkey loves oliver said...

Frida needs to be sheared,
Frida needs to be played by someone that can play her character,
Frida needs a makeover,
Frida needs your help!,
Frida needs to get even and have some fun,
Frida needs to end the facade.

Such a shame you had to frog 3-hours worth of work on your shawl! I think it's very pretty, I love that blue!