My first...

Monday, April 03, 2006

Though technically not my first pattern, this is my first pattern I've made available on my site. If you should happen to use it, please let me know of any mistakes and whether it's well-written or not. I've read through it several times and made some changes but since I've already made the scarf it's more difficult to see these things. The second picture on the bottom of the pattern is crappy, I know. It was really overcast yesterday and difficult to get a good picture of the cable pattern. But it's here! And I hope people like it! And I hope to include a bonnet type hat and fingerless mitts to go with it!

To upload the pattern for the Elegant Cabled Scarf, click here.

In other news, I've decided to continue with the brown Knitpicks socks on US 0s. After knitting more of the foot it became apparent that they really DO fit and the sagginess was simply an illusion. I haven't taken a picture yet but last night I turned the heel and started cabling in earnest: from three cables on the foot to six around the ankle. How did I become so obsessed with cables?


Cathi said...

It looks fab! Congrats on your first pattern!

Anonymous said...

lovely, lovely cables.... that steal souls. let knit together soon! :)

Anonymous said...

Ooh, so pretty! E-mailing now!

ShelbyD said...

Very pretty scarf!!