Saturday, January 12, 2008
The angora content in the Angora Extra is too much for my poor Wildflower Cardigan. The ribbing doesn't really rib which is needed for the waist shaping. I could just decrease more but then what is the point of keeping the ribbing for the waist which is a design feature of the sweater? I'm beginning to think this poor sweater is doomed. It's now hibernating
and probably sobbing quietly.
I did learn an AWEsome new technique though in this whole process. You know how my favoritist cast-on of all time is the Tubular Cast-on, which I usually do with a provisional cast-on? Well, the awesomeness that is Ravelry showed me the Italian Tubular Cast-on and then the Long-Tail Tubular Cast-on. The Long-Tail Tubular Cast-on is my new love. Just look at it's beauty (and ignore the little bit of wonkiness as this was only my second try):Ah tubularness.
So, since I decided to quit on the Wildflower I was in need of another sweater project. I decided on Snow White (Ravelry link). However, even though I got gauge in my swatch last night I don't really like the way the yarn looks at that gauge. *sigh* So now I'm thinking about trying the Elizabeth Bennett Cardigan (also a Ravelry link) with the brown yarn I originally was using for my Wildflower and which, incidentally, I originally bought with the EB in mind (before I become obsessed with the idea of angora).
Whew. If I'm not able to finish a sweater soon I think I may have to give up knitting altogether. (Just kidding, of course!)
In the meantime, I did finish this hat for Kurt. My first hat that actually fits it's recipient (even if the top does look a bit nipple-ish.)
Ah, that stinks!
The long-tail tubular cast on is my favorite, too! I just learned it for some socks recently and it is phenom.
I'll have to try the cast-on. I really like how it looks.
Sorry about the sweater... I've had similar bad luck with them. Which is why I'm now knitting a shawl, a pair of socks, and a hat. ;)
Ooo! The tubular cast-on is nice. I wish I saw this sooner, I could have used it Flicca (whose cast on edge is kind of icky).
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